Goodreads 2015 Book Challenge

I found out about Goodreads last summer and I love it! If you haven't heard of it and, like me is a book lover, then head over there! The App is great too and its real easy to set up via Facebook.

Got your Goodreads account sorted? Right! This year I decided to set myself a 2015 Book Challenge. I set 25 books, I know some people may read more or less than that (everyone is different after all) but that seemed like a good amount. I'm hoping to read most of my 'to read' bookshelf, which consists of sequels and ones I just haven't got around to reading yet. For Christmas I got some excellent books too, so of course they're on the list :)

Committed: A Love Story - Elizabeth Gilbert
This is the sequel to Eat, Pray, Love - which is a wonderful book. Some of the non-English pronunciation can make it a bit of a longer read but its so worthwhile! Looking forward to what Committed has in store.

Allegiant - Veronica Roth
Is the third book from the Divergent trilogy. I read the first two right next to each other, but started reading for my dissertation so this one had to wait. What happens to Tris?!

Young Adult
Looking For Alaska - John Green
Had been on my list for a while. I've read Paper Towns and The Fault In Our Stars (obviously), so really really really want to read his other books too!

Girl Online - Zoe Sugg (aka Zoella)
So, Zoe didn't write it all on her own, I think its brill that she's doing what she wants and loves. Anyone thats writing their first novel would need help. We still love you Zoe! This is first on my list, I've read so many lovely reviews and want to join the hype :)

Girl Power
Yes Please - Amy Poehler
I love this gal! She is hilarious and theres nothing that encourages me more than a funny lady! So looking forward to reading this :D

Not That Kind Of Girl - Lena Dunham
Feminism mate! Yes! I may have to watch Girls before this read though. Just so I'm totally clued up!

The Catcher in the Rye - J. D. Salinger
Slowly getting through the classics along with more recent books!

Life of Pi - Yann Martel
I want to read this before finally seeing the film. I normally try to read the book first, just cause, well I do.

I may do some reviews for these, what do you think? What's on your reading list?


  1. This is so much a case of 'great minds think alike'! I am so happy that you're also doing a challenge this year and you have some great books to read by the looks of things. I love Amy Poehler, so you'll have to let me know what you think of her book. I have also added you on Goodreads, I hope that's ok? :) xx

    1. This is my first one! Amy Poehler is wicked, excitement :) that's fine more the merrier and all that! Xx

  2. Yes Please sounds good, I'd like to read that! Thanks for recommending this app, I too am a bookworm, I just hardly have the time to read these days, what with working and blogging! Great post :) Thanks for following me too, I've followed back :) xx

    1. I've been so busy too can't wait to read just for fun again :) you're welcome :) xx

  3. I'd love to read some book reviews.. The Amy Poehler and Lena Dunham books are next on my 'to-read list', they both look great. I didn't personally like Life of Pi but the Catcher in the Rye is a classic! I've heard of Goodreads but never been on it so I'll definitely check it out x

    HOW I WEAR | A Manchester Style & Beauty Blog

    1. I better get reading then aha! Ah thanks :) it's good if you don't know what to read next, check it out :) x

  4. I love knowing about other people's reads! Thanks a lot for sharing these, hope you'll enjoy them :)

  5. Lovely blog, looking forward to see more posts from you!
    Would you like to follow each other ?

  6. i really need to get reading more!

    from helen at

  7. Hope you enjoy looking for Alaska!! I loved it! I've got so many books on my to read list, catcher in the rye is up near the top!

    Elish xo


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