My Weekend In Pictures #2

Hey peeps, you alright? Hope everyone is enjoying November! Its got really cold in the UK now and I'm already super excited for Christmas, waahoooo! This weekend I was in Norwich for another bestie birthday :) (so many b'days this month!) she's the first one to turn 21 out of our group from school. So she's basically a granny now ha!

Norwich is quite a way from Cardiff, 8 hours on a Megabus. To put that into perspective you could fly from London to New York in the same length of time - friendship dedication

We had Pizza Express Friday night but we were all far too hungry to even take a photo #firstworldproblems but the Christmas duck pizza - Anatra Romana is beautiful!
Saturday we went round Norwich, Bec showed us the sights and then went shopping. They literally have the BEST Poundland ever, but thats another story or blogpost ;) then Saturday night we went out to the students union. I always find it strange going to a union because I'm on a city campus but we all had a laugh, haha!
On Sunday we had Dominos (no judging for the large amount of pizza consumed in one weekend) but once again were all too hungry to snap it, thanks to being extremely hungover...

Anyway, Norwich is a lovely place and I'm fo'sho' coming to visit again Bec :)

'We're the 3 best friends that anyone can have' 

What did you lovelies do this weekend?



  1. aww its so christmassy! looks like you had a great weekend! id love it if youd comment back xx

  2. Looks like you had the type of weekend that I need xox

  3. This sounds like an amazing weekend! Great pictures too. x x

  4. Last picture is very nice. Christmas is just a month away.



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