The Perfect Hangover Day

Just a silly little post for today :)
For the first time in forever (yes, I'm singing Frozen) I went 'out out' and revelling in my last uni year dedicated a whole day towards recovering. Me and my bestie/housemate, Luke, had the best day doing bugger-all and blaming everything on our hangovers ha!

Junk food
The diet goes out the window on a hangover, accept it and embrace it. You really want that fry up and fizzy drink and all other snacks you can find. Cravings on a whole new level today. The only reason you even bother to go to the shop is imagining the food you're about to buy. Basically the calories you burnt off dancing last night you've just eaten 10 fold...

Staying in your pjs ALL DAY! If you need to go to the shop going in your pjs, at a push shoving joggers on. Or a onesie. Yes, hangovers are what onesies were made for. Isn't the self-serve at Tesco made so you don't have to face people and can wear whatever the hell you like?

Not Caring About Your Face
No contact lenses, keeping glasses on is a blessing. The same goes for hair and make-up, you look like death warmed up. You probably haven't even washed, but who actually cares? You aren't going anywhere, if you do bump into someone a shrug of your shoulders is how much you care.

Anything too heavy is a no, nothing that makes you think too much or at all. You need films that you've seen before, because it's extra comforting. Rom-coms are the usual first pick. Unless you are one of those people who love a hangover cry, then drama. Our choices we're super cheesy. Maid in Manhattan, The Backup Plan (loving J-Lo) and Titanic which I undoubtably sobbed my heart out haha!

Happy hangovers hehehe :)


  1. oooooh im so so so jealous of your day!! ive been revising all day :( i cant wait until my exams are over and thne im going to have the best day filled with so much junk food haha! id love it if youd comment back xx

  2. That sounds like the perfect hangover day! Junk food is the one food that makes me feel better, especially pizza or a greasy fry up- love it!!
    Emily xx
    Emily May Designs

  3. Agree with all of these and that breakfast looks delicious!! :D xx

  4. Haha I would love so much to have this day - maybe this gives me an excuse to go out with my friends??? I've nominated you for the Liebster Award on Polka Dot Penny - I would love to see your answers to my questions! Penny xxx


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