What's Next?

2015 is quickly approaching, a whole 12 months ahead can be exciting and scary. I graduate in July and to be honest I'm pretty scared. This is the first time where *flash-forward one year* I don't know where I will

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My Week in Pictures: Christmas

I came back home to Essex for Christmas! Seeing my family and friends over the Christmas period is always lovely. I thought I'd share some photos with you :) We got a puppy the week before Christmas, meet Lilo <3

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9 Lazy Things I Hope To Stop Doing In 2015

I'm stuck in a rut. I'm not sure if it's because its near the end of the year or because I've just stuffed myself with Christmas leftovers, but I don't like it. I was so stressed with uni and really

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Christmas Eve!

ITS CHRISTMAS EVE TOMORROW!!! All the Christmas Specials are on, people are finishing work and everyones panicking that they've forgotten something. Its the most wonderful time of the year :D So tomorrow no-doubt my mum still wouldn't have finished her

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Christmassy Lush Haul

I know, I know! I keep saying at this time of year I really shouldn't be buying myself things... but these are Christmassy so I have to get them before I miss out, riiiight? These products are only available until

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The Liebster Award

I've been nominated for the Liebster Award! Thank you to the lovely Sarah from Shimmer of Sparkle, if you don't know of her blog, go and have a look :) Firstly, here are the rules: 1. Thank the person/people who nominated

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KIKO Make Up Haul

Last month I was in Reading visiting my bessie Emily and found a KIKO store!!! I know its cheeky this close to Christmas buying myself make up, but I was so excited I couldn't resist haha! Before now I hadn't tried

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Spreading Christmas Cheer

Christmas is allowed to be cringey right? This year I've realised that it is and I love it. I mean everyone is embracing the cheesiness of it all there was even a national Christmas Jumper Day the other day. But

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Nails of the Week #1

Hey peeps, you alright? I know its been a while and I feel like the past couple of posts I've started with apologising for lack of posts and for being so busy! (This one has started that way too...) Anyway

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Bucket List 2014

ITS DECEMBER!!! So sorry I haven't posted in over a week (I think), been crazy busy and still have so much to do, but its clear I need to work on my balancing skills... We're nearly at the end of

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Having A Night In

Its the end of November, (where has time gone?!) spending money is on a budget, for Christmas presents and such. So staying in is the the new going out! As a group we have been super stressed with deadlines, so

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Christmas Wish List

Hey hey hey! I've done my Christmas List! I found this really cool website Wish and Tick which is basically a place where you can put all of the links to the things you want. How handy is that? I think its

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Disney Stocking Fillers!

If you haven't started Christmas shopping yet, its the end of November now, what are you thinking?! I'm not one to judge, I know when you have lots of people to buy for, it can be really daunting not knowing

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My New Foundation

A beauty post today and I've got a new foundation to try! Its taken me a while, I'll give you that. I needed a new one after my summer holiday (my tan has completely gone *sadface*) and my shade changed

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My Weekend In Pictures #2

Hey peeps, you alright? Hope everyone is enjoying November! Its got really cold in the UK now and I'm already super excited for Christmas, waahoooo! This weekend I was in Norwich for another bestie birthday :) (so many b'days this month!)

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Sisterhood of the World Tag

Today I'm doing the Sisterhood of the World Tag after being nominated by the lovely Mire and Caro at Robbers Corner :)  The Rules:  - Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site  - Put the award logo

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Review: COLAB Dry Shampoo

Boy has it been a busy and stressful fortnight! For anyone that hasn't already heard of COLAB, Ruth Crilly - A Model Recommends has designed her own dry shampoo. The range includes five different scents; Classic - London, Floral - Paris, Fruity

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The Christmas Tag

I'm SOOO excited for Christmas!!!! Its only November but I don't care! I saw this tag on Milk Bubble Tea and decided to do it, well, because I'm yet to do a tag and Christmas is just the best :D I tag anyone

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How To Get A Better Nights Sleep

My sleeping pattern has had its ups and downs, some would say an emotional roller-coaster, but I decided it was time to do something about it. If you think you have a bad sleeping pattern, believe me I'll be able

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My Weekend In Pictures #1

Hey peeps, you alright? Did everyone have a good week? I went to London this weekend for my friends (she's practically my older sister) birthday. We went to Notting Hill and Portobello Road, it was so so cool! I'd never

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