How To Clean Make Up Brushes

Hey peeps, you alright? I finally got round to cleaning/washing my make up brushes!! It was well overdue but its something off my to-do list, thats something right? It was actually really easy to do, which means I could have

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What's In My Bath?: Granny Takes A Dip

Its another bath bomb from Lush today! I got SO many Lush products for my birthday (for which I will do a post on soon) so, so lucky and I'll never have to have a splurge again! Granny Takes A Dip (£3.35) has

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Valentines Night In

Its Valentines Day! Everyone is either all mushy or bitter... I'm single, but I'm still allowed to be mushy right? I have planned a night in, chilling out, relaxing and basically doing whatever the heck I feel like! I bought

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Ok, it looks like I've been AWOL for a bit (really need to schedule posts ha!) but I'm back - she says again. I'm sure a lot of you already know who Lily Pebbles is, she does this really cool post WEAR

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