Film Review: 'PRIDE'

Hey peeps, you alright? The other week I went to see PRIDE. I really wanted to see it before it left cinemas and it most definitely exceeded my expectations! Isn't that a good feeling?! Starring a whole range of people,

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5 Seasonal Lips

Hey peeps, you alright? I've had a roam through my make-up bag and drawer - its lipstick time! I wanted to get this blog post up before Halloween because theres some great colours in here for dressing up and in

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Autumn Playlist

Hey peeps, you alright? The seasons have changed its time for a new playlist! I really get back into folky sounds when its colder I don't know why but theres a couple of pop ones in here too, enjoy :)

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30 Things I've Learnt Since 2012

Hey peeps, you alright? I'm starting my dissertation this week so feeling rather nostalgic. Back when I was a fresher, (September 2012 seems like FOREVER ago!!) I thought I was all grown up. Leaving home and moving 208 miles from

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I'm The New Girl

Hey peeps, you alright? I'm Millie and this is my blog. I recently decided to start Hey Mil because, well, I have a minor shopping problem. Not quite to the extent of Confessions of a Shopaholic, but maybe to the

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