Here's To 2016

Hello everyone, its been a while. I fell off the bandwagon a little. Nothing to worry about, just things most 20-somethings find themselves going through. 'I don't like my job', 'I'm still living with my parents' and 'when will I

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Binge Watcher

Hey guys and gals! We're in November where the heck has time gone? I'm back in the UK too, which means I'm back to binge watching as a sport. Such is life ;) if you've already managed to work your

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5 Cool Places To Visit In Paris

I spent the majority of August travelling around France and have some blogs to catch up on. Would you believe me if I told you I was writing this from a campsite in Rome? I am - hehe. Anyway, here's

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6 Things That Happen At Uni

A new load of freshers have started moving into student halls. How was that me 3 years ago? *cries* it can be really strange moving away from home for the first time let alone at 18, feelings will be all

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